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March 15, 2021

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Doha British School (DBS) recently inaugurated the much anticipated IB Art Exhibit, an annual event curated by IB Visual Art students from the school’s Sixth Form Centre. The exhibit highlights a wide selection of original fine art, photography, graphic arts, fashion & textile design, and 3d movie animation.
The art exhibit showcases the students’ learnt techniques and skills and how they are able to translate these into wonderful pieces using varied media such as oil paint, fabric, clay or digital platform.
“All the students have an individual theme for their work, something that they decided themselvesand are passionate about. This exhibit is an integral part of our two-year IB Visual Arts course and isworth 50% of the student’s final grade,” Mrs Katie Dearden, Subject Leader of Art.
“The students have really tried to communicate their ideas through their artwork and create aninsightful experience for the viewer. The standard of work improves every year and we are reallyproud of what our students have achieved,” added Mrs Dearden.
Themes close to the heart
When asked about her piece, Haanin Shafeegue, a Year 13 student said “My exhibition presents ajourney through human emotion. I strongly believe mental health is a topic that has to be talkedabout especially in these current times. Due to the pandemic, many people are at their breakingpoints. The journey that I am portraying finishes with a happy ending to show people that there isalways hope and love that can guide you outside of your negative space.”
Also joining this year’s exhibit are Year 11 GCSE Fine Art & Textile Design students, some Year 12students, and DBS’ representatives to various art competitions in the country.
“For my work, I combined the job that doctors and nurses do and the fact that superheroes savelives. I love how it turned out as it looked action packed and had a good meaning behind it: doctorsand nurses are out there saving lives during the time we are stuck inside,” Garv Kalera, a Year 8student who participated in the BSME Art competition.
Without COVID19 and all the restrictions, the annual IB Art Exhibit must have been celebrated with much fanfare, food, and gathering. Needless to say, this year has been exceptionally challenging and yet, the works presented in the exhibit were nothing short of outstanding.
“I am extremely proud of the work of our students. These pieces that we see here are not only areflection of how excellent our students are but a testament of their character and resilience duringthese trying times. At DBS, we set high expectations and standards for our students. These pieces ofwork are a result of hard work and commitment both from the wonderful teaching staff at DBS andour dedicated students. We can see how our students critically process ideas and how these ideasare then translated practically into these amazing works of art,” said Mr Paul Sherlock, Principal atDoha British School – Ain Khaled campus.
Sixth Form Centre in Qatar
Doha British School’s Sixth Form Centre offers one of the most diverse learning pathways available inany school in Qatar – IB Diploma, BTEC, and AS/A Level.
“Through the IB art course, I personally liked following a set-out theme in making my artworks as itgave me a sense of direction throughout the journey. Although meeting deadlines was tough everyso often, it helped me manage my time when it came to submitting my artwork. Even with a highworkload, I managed to complete it all because of this rigorous course,” Dina Fraihat, Year 13student, commenting on how her course has contributed positively on her art journey.

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